eKool Base Package

eKool assists in enhancing students' learning experience, enables parents to stay well-informed about their children's progress, and alleviates teachers' workloads. The eKool Base Package transforms the eKool environment into an effective aide for educational institutions. The functionalities integrated within the Base Package have been curated based on the most desired suggestions from schools.

Functionalities Encompassed in the eKool Base Package:

  • School and Classroom Management. Inclusion of school curriculum, academic years, student profiles, faculty information, parental engagement, journals (comprising both individual and group lessons), grading system, performance reports, teacher schedules, sharing educational materials, submission of student assignments with attachments, and teacher annotations.
  • Study Book. Ability to transmit student grades in HTM format between educational institutions
  • Attachment of Files and Lesson Types to Lesson Descriptions.
  • Timetable Management. Tools for organising school events, reservations, and substitution planning. Integration with Untis timetabling system.
  • Discipline-Related Issue Management. Absence records and corresponding reporting.
  • Student-Submitted Homework Displayed by Name.
  • Point-Based Assessment. Implementation of an automated summative assessment system
  • Formative (Verbal) Assessment Report. Option for incorporating student and parental feedback. Archive for formative assessment reports.
  • Messaging. Mobile application designed for effective communication. Role-specific and group-oriented messaging, and file upload feature.
  • mKool Application. Customised application designed for students and parents.
  • Consent Management. For parents, students aged 18 and above, and school personnel. Requires secure authentication and activity tracking.
  • Polling System. Integrated within eKool's messaging platform.
  • Developmental Interviews. Generation of interview questionnaires, conducting meetings, and outcome analysis. Facility for noting observations, attaching documents, engaging support specialists, and more.
  • Developmental Cards. Customisation and administration of individual student development tracking cards using institutional templates. Logging activities related to development cards and parent notifications. Attachment of files to development cards.
  • Integration with EHIS. Secure data transfer to the Education Information System through the X-Road platform, and import of school-level grades into the graduation document registry
  • Integration with Untis.
  • Integration with School Card System.
  • Integration with OPIQ.
  • Integration with RIKS.
  • Integration with ELIIS.
  • File Upload Capacity up to 100MB.
  • Customer Support. Rapid response within 48 hours via the eKool contact form - contact.ekool.eu.

Additional Insights about eKool Service Packages

All future developments of the educational information system will be grouped into service packages. Presently, we offer two packages, but we are rapidly advancing towards the creation of new packages. You have the opportunity to contribute your ideas and cast your votes for new features in the eKool Think Tank.

eKool's services adhere to all requirements established by the current legislative framework. We make modifications to our service based on decisions from the Ministry of Education and Research and other relevant legislative amendments. We prioritise ensuring that our service aligns with the stipulations of the Data Protection Act.