Absences (headmaster)

Headmasters have to have a quick overview of everything that happens in school to make the right decisions. This tutorial shows the headmaster’s possibilities to get information about absences and possibilities to handle problems before they become insurmountable.

  1. The main tool for absences is the Absence journal. It is possible to find it in All Journals section on the school’s page. The number on the journal’s icon shows unhandled absence notes from parents and gives an overview of form-master work with them.
  2. After opening the journal headmaster sees a yellow mark behind the student’s name with a number of unhandled notes for that student. Absences are displayed by day and lesson number. Each column represents a lesson per day. Absences with reason are green and absences without reason in red. Unhandled absences are marked with “?”.
  3. Click on the child’s name and opens the detail view. Headmaster has no right to add reasons.
  4. Absence reports could be opened in the Reports window. Headmaster should open sub-folder Absences. All reports can be filtered by terms or collected for the whole school year. Absences reports show only data for the current study year.
    • The attendance call list gives an overview of daily absences with student and parents' contact information. It gives a possibility to call home to explain, why the child is absent. Headmaster sees all students, who are absent.
    • Attendance report gives students absences number by class total and collects a number of absences with and without reason. Click on class number or selection from filter gives absences by students.
    • The attendance Type report gives an overview of absences by type (for example: how many absences were because the student was ill). Absence reasons classificatory is determined by each school's accordant school rules. Click on class number or selection from filter gives absences by students.
    • Dropout Students report gives warning about students, who have been absent without reason for more lessons than school rules allow. To get this report about all students, the headmaster has to order it. It usually takes a few seconds to collect data. If the report is ready, the headmaster will get an e-mail about it. In the report is shown student name, class, lessons of absence without reason, number of held lessons, and % of absences. All ordered reports st
  5. Headmaster can open the Discipline list. It gives an overview of students, who have been absent without reason over school set the border at least during one-quarter of the school year (September-October; November-December; January-March; April-June). For every student, the headmaster can see the connected social worker’s name.
  6. A Student’s Card can be opened from the Gallery on the school’s page. Here form-master and headmaster see the same information as home in a newsfeed. It is possible to open the Homeworks window, have a look at Record Book, view information about Interviews, and open Grades Analytics.
  7. An important part of the Student Card is a student’s profile. On the first page is displayed the student’s personal and contact information. For each student form-master or headmaster can add a connection with the social worker as a related person. A person, who gets the right to see a student’s information the same way a form master see has to be a staff member and have a social worker’s role. Parents get notifications about the set connected to the newsfeed.
  8. The headmaster, Form-master, and social worker can add notes to a student’s card. These notes are seen over the years and collect so important information about students’ development and problems. If adding a note, it is possible to choose, what kind of discipline action it is an additional explanation. A note is by default accessible for school and for home, but it can be drafted – accessible only for users with school roles. Parents get notifications about a new note to the newsfeed.
  9. The headmaster, Form-master, and social worker can add documents to a student’s card. These documents are seen over years and collect so important information about students’ development and problems. A document is by default accessible for school and for home, but it can be drafted – accessible only for users with school roles. Parents get notifications about a new document in the newsfeed.
  10. A parent gets information about all newly related persons, and added notes and documents to his/her news feed. There is a link to move to the student’s card and open documents or read notes.